Piktogramm Neues & Veranstaltungen

Neues & Veranstaltungen

Workshop on 2nd December from 16h to 17h30 CET (Central European Time)

Workshop on 2nd December from 16h to 17h30 CET (Central European Time)

Within the framework of the "FTTH Virtual Conference 2020", Plumettaz joins Zzoomm, Hexatronic, Adtran & IS Tools to present a workshop on "The recipe for how to build a FTTH challenger from Zzeerroo"

The UK telecom operator Zzoomm in the United Kingdom started rolling out its own network individually in 2018.

Plumettaz is proud to have been able to participate in this project through Hexatronic UK and joins the Zzoomm workshop to explain our contribution.

It was necessary to challenge old deployment methods while developing new solutions, making this project a real success story.

If you have a project to develop, increase or rehabilitate a Telecom Fibre Optic network, join us on this workshop..