Piktogramm Wissensportal


A new, extremely versatile, access network cabling concept for migration to optical fiber

A new cabling concept for the telephony copper access network, allowing migration to optical fiber, is presented. Here INDIVIDUAL GUIDE TUBES run through a TELESCOPIC PROTECTIVE TUBE NETWORK with cheap branching connections. This combination turned out to be the key to an upgradeable network at low cost. In this extremely versatile Tube To The Home (TTTH) network small copper cables can be installed or pre-installed, to be removed and replaced by small fiber (or other) cables in the future.

Proc. 45th IWCS (1996) 485-489
W. Griffioen, H. Nijstad, A.T.M. Grooten, A. van Wingerden, G. Brown, D.F. Hawkins, G. Plumettaz